Rose Forsyth-Jackson

Painting + Felting + Generative

Rose is a multidisciplinary artist whose work spans the realms of painting, wool felting, and digital art. With a passion for exploring the creative possibilities of different media, Rose combines traditional techniques with modern technology to create dynamic, colourful pieces. Born and raised in the Blue Mountains Australia, Rose has always been drawn to incorporating her love of nature into her art. In her painting, Rose uses bold colours and abstract forms to explore themes of identity and personal experience. Her textile and digital work, on the other hand, showcase her interest in texture and dimensionality, exploring the landscape of the natural world and connection to spirituality. We spoke to her about her practice.

What are three words you would use to describe your artwork?

Ethereal, transporting, soft

What is your approach to creating?

My art is a spiritual practice. I create to bring others a moment of peace or joy, or contemplation. Whenever I make an artwork I am putting a little bit of my mana/energy into that piece to be received by the viewer.


Who/what are your biggest creative influences?

I am influenced by the storytelling and magic of indigenous Australian art, not so much in the style of my work as I would never appropriate in that way but more so by the deep history and connectedness to country that indigenous art embodies.

How do you work with digital as a medium?

I work with digital methods to add extra elements to my physical wool felt pieces. I both animate my felt “landscapes” and also train GAN models on datasets made from many photographs of the felting process.


What excites you about this medium?

The expansiveness of digital art and where it can go is exciting to me. Even the huge changes we’ve seen over the last year, there is so much to be explored and so many amazing artists pioneering new ways of creating art.

See more of Rose's work here