Dar Rubinstein

Motion + 3D

Dar is a creative designer specialising in Motion Graphics, VR/AR, 3D and storytelling. She is currently a Senior Motion Designer at Union Avatars, a company creating realistic avatars for the metaverse. Her work is beautiful, witty and clever and she seamlessly applies different technical aspects to produce amazing media. We spoke to her about her work, VR and the metaverse.

Where did you get the idea for the Endless Scroll from?

The endless scroll was born from the idea of mirroring routines of Generation Z and how the society is overly saturated by huge amounts of visual content via many different digital platforms. This over saturation seems to be very dynamic can also leave us to feel numb.

What is your work that you are most proud of?

I believe ‘Movin’ is one of the works I loved working on the most. It approaches a universal problem (moving out) with humour and transparency and it reflected a point in my life. Moreover, practically applying different fields of design such as branding, copywriting animation and 3D was very exciting. It felt complete.

How have you used VR in your work?

I used VR for creating a short 360° game and was testing it with the Oculus, but apart from that I also found it very exciting to be able to model spaces with gravity sketch for example.

Union Avatars

As a creative designer what excites you most about the metaverse?

I think the idea of identities and what a person can be. The ability to choose from anything and everything. The metaverse is a place to dream, but with that, it could also be a place for you to be you.

Who are your creative influences?

Wow, hard question. I like creatives that make you think, or feel. I had this experience with Igor Studio after experiencing their VR experience named ‘Symphony’. Also I am a huge fan of, Maotik, Studio Dumber, Domestic data streamers, How&How, Lola Mullen Lowe and many more.

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