Christie Lau

AR + VR + Digital Fashion

Christie uses technology to produce exquiste and fascinating designs. Their working with AR, VR and AI illustrates a mastery and understanding of how to use technology in design. They have recently worked on Meta's amazing campaign 'Queen's of the Metaverse' and their degree show as CSM got them featured in DAZED, i-D and The Evening Standard as one to watch. We spoke to Christie about their style, technology and the metaverse.

What three words would you use to describe your style?

Three words to describe my style are "absurd," "playful," and "experimental." My style is often described as absurd because I take inspiration from everyday surroundings and motifs, and then try to reimagine them differently in the digital space. This can result in work that is uncanny, but I find the absurdity of it all to be funny. I would also describe my style as playful, because my work is often about challenging our perceptions of mundane objects or situations. I do this by juxtaposing the appearance of the object with the way it moves, which can be both surprising and entertaining. Finally, I would describe my style as experimental, because I am constantly adjusting my workflow and processes as the technology is always progressing. This allows me to stay at the forefront of my field and to create work that is both innovative and cutting-edge.

Digital Fashion

How do you use AI in your work?

In my work, I use AI as an iterative tool. This means that I might use AI algorithms to generate a large number of design outputs, and then select the ones that I find most interesting or promising as the starting point for further development. This process can be very efficient and helps me to quickly explore a wide range of possibilities. One of the key benefits of using AI in this way is that it increases the number of possible design outputs that I can consider. By using AI to generate ideas and concepts that I might not have thought of on my own, I'm able to push the boundaries of my artistic practice and come up with new and innovative ideas. Another way I use AI in my work is as a creative sounding board. I might use AI algorithms to generate a series of visual concepts, and then use these as a starting point for further exploration. This can be a great way to get new ideas and perspectives, and it can help me to think more creatively about my own work.

What is the project that you are most proud of ?

The project I am most proud of is the "Queens of the Metaverse" campaign with Meta. This was an incredibly rewarding project to work on because I got to work alongside such an incredible team of digital specialists, costume makers, performers, filmmakers, and directors to realize my mixed reality runway look. I was particularly proud of this project because it allowed me to design something that celebrated non-binary queer identity, and to have it showcased in a fun and engaging way through augmented reality and as a live performance. The response to the campaign was overwhelmingly positive, and it was very gratifying to see my work received so well.

Still from Queens of the Metaverse

What excites you most about the metaverse?

What excites me most about the metaverse is the potential it has to provide avenues of self expression like never before. The ability to create and explore digital spaces with immersive technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality opens up new and exciting possibilities for creative expression. I'm particularly excited about the ways in which the metaverse can allow us to experiment with new forms of art and design, and to create experiences that are interactive and immersive in ways that have never been possible before. The potential for innovation and creativity in the metaverse is truly limitless, and I can't wait to see what new and exciting things will be created there in the future. Additionally, I'm excited about the prospect of being able to explore digital spaces with these immersive technologies. The ability to step into a virtual world and experience it as if it were real has the potential to be a truly transformative experience.

See more of Christie's work here